Homeopathy and urinary tract infections (UTIs)

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are very common in women, much more common than in men. Women’s anatomy is partially to blame – shorter urethra-to-anus distance allows bacteria to easily travel and infect the urinary system. Cystitis (bladder infection) represents the majority of these infections.  According to the study from the National Center for Health Statistics  in American emergency rooms only pneumonia is treated more often than UTIs.1  Around 50–60% of women will develop UTIs in their lifetimes.2

Escherichia coli is the organism that causes UTIs in most women. Conventional approach is to treat every UTI with antibiotics, but very often UTI returns. Antibiotics resistant E. coli strains are one of the reasons. “Ampicillin, amoxicillin, and sulfonamides are no longer the drugs of choice for empirical treatment because of the widespread emergence of resistance in 15–20% of E. coli in several areas of the USA and other countries.”2  Some E. coli strains are already resistant even to a new strong class of antibiotics, fluoroquinolones, there is a “recognition of what has been described “stealth pandemic” of Escherichia coli sequence type 131 (ST131) that is resistant to both fluoroquinolones and extended spectrum beta-lactamases.”4

According to FDA fluoroquinolone antibacterial drugs can have serious permanent  side effects that involve the tendons, muscles, joints, nerves, and central nervous system.3 Imagine taking such an antibiotic, risk side effects and still have the UTI.

Many women get yeast overgrowth after even one course of antibiotics. Antibiotics change the gut bacteria leading to gut dysbiosis which in turn causes digestive issues, food intolerances and recurrent infections like UTIs. That leads to more courses of antibiotics, which change gut bacteria balance even more. Homeopathic remedies help to break that vicious cycle.

In some cases  bacteria are not found in urine culture, despite symptoms of discomfort. Homeopathic remedies address the urinary tract discomfort whether bacteria is found in urine or not. Homeopathic remedies are used to relieve acute discomfort of UTIs  or along antibiotics to improve the outcome. Some of my favorite homeopathic remedies to relieve acute discomfort are listed  below.  Drinking cranberry extract with water as many glasses as possible during the day is also helpful.

Prevention is always the most important for any condition. When the acute phase is over, homeopathic remedies help restore gut and vaginal flora, improve overall health to prevent UTIs in the future. You have to consult a professional homeopath to find such remedies.

Here are some of my favorite remedies to relieve acute discomfort of UTI:

Arnica montana – this is an excellent remedy for injuries and trauma in general, including trauma of the perineum. It is very useful in cystitis that follows a bruising injury to the perineum after the birth of a baby.  There is inability to empty the bladder and some involuntary dribbling of urine.

Cantharis – is the most frequently used homeopathic remedy for UTIs. There is frequency and urgency of urination but very little urine is produced on urination attempt. The urine may feel hot as it comes out, usually drop by drop. Cutting or burning pain before, during and after urination. The pain is excruciating, each drop feels like scalding acid, and it may be easier to pass urine in a hot bath. The urine may have some blood in it. Feels irritable, increased sex drive. Better warmth and rest.

Sarsaparilla – this is the remedy to use when the pain is the worst at the end of urination. It is easier to pass urine while standing up. Worse at night and when cold.

Staphysagria  – is helpful for UTIs that come up after sexual activity, pelvic examination, operation,  labor or emotional or physical abuse. Frequent urging to urinate but urine comes in thin stream or by drops. Burning pain during urination. Feels angry, offended. Worse walking, riding. Better urinating.

Homeopathic remedies above can safely be used in 30C potency.  If you have tried 3-6 doses of a remedy and do not see any improvement, consult your homeopath for a more specific remedy for you.

If you have severe pain in kidney area or you have a substantial amount of blood in urine, go to Emergency room or see your doctor immediately.


  1. ” How many women are affected or at risk for UTIs & UI?” , NIH, https://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/urinary/conditioninfo/Pages/affected.aspx
  1. “Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections Management in Women”, Sultan Qaboos Univ Med J. 2013 Aug; 13(3): 359–367. Published online 2013 Jun 25, Ahmed Al-Badr1,* and Ghadeer Al-Shaikh2                                                                                                        https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3749018/
  1. “FDA Drug Safety Communication: FDA advises restricting fluoroquinolone antibiotic use for certain uncomplicated infections; warns about disabling side effects that can occur together”                                                                                                                https://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/ucm500143.htm
  1. “Prevention of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)”                                                                                     https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/2040239-overview